Sunday, January 11, 2009

Altruism: Divine Path

I guess I'll start this post with a quote rather then end it with one, seems appropriate.

"Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness." - MLKJ

In a world where egotism is the dominant state of mind, altruism seems like a rather noble yet difficult transition for most people. But consider if you will a world where you do not need to worry about your own well being because everyone around you is doing that for you; all you would need to do is look out for everyone around you also. Instead of finding happiness and fulfillment in your own self accomplishments try to find self gratification through the unconditional giving and helping of others. It is very rewarding to see a smile on a friends or family member's face because you did some small favor that just happened to make all the difference in their day. We tend to wait until someone is in dire need before actually lending a hand. I think this is wrong, we should be able to prevent problems from happening to friends and family by always lending a hand and paying close attention to their mental, physical, and spiritual well being.

I know one might think "what does just one favor do in the long run?" but to that one person you helped, it could mean the world, you could have very well helped them out during a great depression and that kindness might just have been enough to save their lives. The Butterfly effect comes into play in these kinds of situation, you may not be the direct cause of saving someones life, but through the butterfly effect you may be the butterfly that flaps it's wings and creates a hurricane of positive change in a persons life, and that is a noble cause if you ask me. So every time someone does something kind and generous towards you, join the cause and do 3 acts of generosity towards 3 other people.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this Mike ......... One kind act to someone can help them in so many ways.

  2. Hi Michael,

    I think you've got the right attitude about helping people along the way. I wish I was better about doing just that, but I've become sort of stuck inside myself lately.


  3. Thank you, I feel a bit inside myself too though. I'm going to try not to do too much, I need to find a balance between giving too much and not giving enough.
